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September Writing Challenge Day 6

To prepare for this years nanowrimo I will do prompts by @the.plottery for September and October. I forgot to hit send last night. Sorry about that.

Today’s prompt is: Write a short story with fae creatures as your main characters

The others told me it was stupid, but it was easy and there was no harm in trying. I heard from a child that had wandered too far into a forest that they were sending people to the moon. Those humans are funny creatures.

The moon is sparse in plants and mushrooms to build a circle from, but there is alot of rock. But just not any ordinary rock. The rocks are old and have traveled far to end up there. There is power in that. Going up there is easier for us. We have our ways. I simply know a guy, who knows the man. What man you ask? The man on the moon of course.

So I got there and waited there a bit, quite boring. But it was worth the wait. I made a couple of circles, one way of course. I also put something in each one. Trinkets, things I found in my pockets. I made sure that they were colorful.

Then there was a glimmer in front of the blue marble. A silvery white fleck driving ever closer. I hid. A strange object descended and two people exited it. They were wearing bulky white suits and big helmets. Their form was distorted. With bumbling steps they danced across the surface of Earth’s companion.

Then they stumbled towards one of my rings, there was pointing and they both stood over it. One returned to their craft to retrieve a canister and the other one stood there. Just a small step and then he was no longer standing on the surface of the moon but in a cave. I would have loved to see his face, but he was wearing that dastardly helmet. Not that he needed it, but he did not know that.

I let him find his way through the labyrinth I had prepared for him. There was still one more. THe second one is sometimes trickyer. Humans tend to get more cautious if one of their pack is missing. Although sometimes humans get panicked and that is always very funny. I had heard that they developed a way to speak with each other in those helmets, and I was dying to hear the astronaut scream in terror while he ran around like a headless chicken.

He was within my labyrinth in no time. I took care that my two new possessions would not meet and cleaned up after myself. I heard it was quit the uproar on Earth when their spacemen were gone. Literally swallowed by the surface of the moon.

They would escape the tunnels after a while and each roam a forest. Their human desires were of no concern anymore. I let them hear everything that came through their funny little gadgets, but they could never be heard.

The forest sometimes has windows to reality. Small intersections, like the rings. THe astronauts can not leave, but sometimes they can be seen. I am quite proud of my spacemen. Over the years I had them, they added quite a few playthings to my possessions. So if you ever see an astronaut in the forest, go talk to him. He is probably very lonely and could use a friend.

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